Rezai Baghbidi Hassan 特任教員

- 研究者名(フリガナ) Rezai Baghbidi Hassan(レザーイー バーグビーディー ハサン)
- 職 名特任教員
- 専攻語ペルシア語
- 電子メールrezai.hmt[at]osaka-u.ac.jp
- 研究分野
- Historical Linguistics, Cultural Studies, Ancient Cultures, Ancient Religions, Iranian Languages and Dialects
- キーワード
- Avestan, Persian, Iranian, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism
- 研究テーマ
Iranian inscriptions and manuscripts, from the ancient times to the present
- 代表的著作、論文等
1. ‘The Rehīg and the Ēwēn-Mahr: A New Look at the Vision of the Afterlife in Kirdīr’s Inscriptions’, イラン研究 [Iran Kenkyū], Osaka University, vol. XVIII, 2022, pp. 145-167.
2. ‘The Zargari Language: An Endangered European Romani in Iran’, Romani Studies 5, 13/2, 2003, pp. 123-148.
3. ‘Parsi Sanskrit’, in: Indic across the Millennia: From the Rigveda to Modern Indo-Aryan (14th World Sanskrit Conference, Kyoto, Japan, September 1st–5th, 2009, Proceedings of the Linguistic Section), ed. J. S. Klein and K. Yoshida, Bremen, pp. 1-8.
- 所属学会、その他の研究活動等
- 1. Member of the Supreme Council of the Centre for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia (since 2001) 2. Permanent Member of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature
- 担当授業
●研究科目 Old Persian, Middle Persian, Classical Persian
●全学共通科目 Introduction to Iranian Linguistics, History of Iranian Languages